Brookleigh Working Equitation Club

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Brookleigh Working Equitation, along with a team of coaches who specialise in their chosen fields and the extensive facilities of Brookleigh Estate, will provide you and your horse with a fun and safe learning environment. Brookleigh Working Equitation is part of The Australian National & State Body and adheres to the following rules & guidelines Catering for all levels of riders and horses and with 4 exciting phases The dressage test highlights the skills and harmony horse & rider are required within Working Equitation. When training and preparing for dressage tests, you are also having the added benefit of complimenting your other equine disciplines. Dressage riding will help you achieve smooth transitions, perfect circles, straight lines and clear yet subtle communication aids with your horse.  Accurate dressage riding will help give you the skills required to ride and navigate the obstacles with the best possible elegance and control. Various tests have been designed with different skills levels in mind, to suit the different stages of development. The manebility phase ridden with the elegance and control you have been developing from the dressage phase, the obstacles below will help test your skill level. You can complete the obstacles at walk, trot or canter depending on your level. The Speed phase of Working Equitation is to test the speed, agility, athleticism, and submission of the horse and the balance, aids and seat of the rider. Lead Line – Level 1 and Introductory – Level 2 will not compete in this phase, however Introductory may ride a second Maneability phase at the discretion of the Organising Committee The Cattle Phase tests the ability of the horse and rider to work cattle individually and with teammates. Although it is a timed event it still imperative that the welfare of the horse & cattle is held in the highest regard. For more information

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    Bec Sellick
  • Member Since:
    11th October, 2010


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