Agistment in the beautiful Araluen Valley


Redtail Rural Agistment  offers a range of agistment from  basic board to boutique  in the beautiful Araluen valley in Roleystone. This is a private property agisting a small number of horses. A tailored service is offered for each agistee. Facilities include new quality LINED WI/WO stables each with Large yard + Integrated  individual luxury size paddocks . Fencing is post and rail  + stand -off electric fencing. Full set of show jumps (13 different combinations inc water jump)   Quality , new facilities  are provided  with  spectacular  valley views  and unlimited trail rides on the 100 acre privately owned property .  Though in a very “horsy” area, this property is not surrounded by other horse properties and  offers a peaceful location to enjoy your horse .  Services (farrier, vet, dentist, chiro etc can be provided as required)and qualified instruction in all disciplines is avaiable. Owner and manager Joan Chapman  is an experienced  horse  ( 25yrs)  and  property owner ( 42 yrs). Joan has had a 40 year career in Science as a Human Biologist .  She will help you restore the health of your horses gut with onsite advice and testing.   We integrate many techniques into our management protocol to ensure your horse stays in the best of gut health. Injury rehabilitation is available -please contact Joan . Herbicides and pesticides are not used in your horses paddocks. Interaction with other agistees can be as much or as little as you choose. If you would like to be notified of pending vacancies email : redtailruralagistment Our facilities include:
  1. 60 X 20m dedicated dressage arena built to the highest specifications to ensure excellent drainage and all year round availability.  A unique combination of materials and construction provides a firm , stable surface for rider and equine comfort.  Lighting and mirrors are planned additions, subject to demand
  2. Full , accurately marked arena
  3. Large lunging ring   with similar surface to arena
  4. Dedicated show jumping area with full set of jumps (13 combinations)
  5. Locked Tack shed + lockyers (private tack room adjoining stable available) + a place to relax
  6. Float access + parking available-FREE
  7. Under cover Wash down bays with hot and cold water, retractable overhead hoses
  8. Quality pasture blend  specific to horses
  9. Toilet  facilities
  10. WI/WO  lined stables with large river sand stable yards
  11. Rehabilitation facilities and agistment packages for injuries-contact Joan for further details
  12. Horse can be fully stabled for events
  13. Each horse has 24/7 access to WI/WO stable
  14. Each horse has an individualpaddock
  15. 5 acre Turn Out Paddocks .  Huge amount of quality pasture for use by all horses on a rotational basis or for a shared day if preferred.  Turn out paddock is conntected to all private paddocks by laneways facilitating easy movement of horses as required.  Want your horse to have company but dont want your rugs torn, your horse injured then this system is Great!  If your horse has a specific management issue- weight loss, muscle building, they can still enjoy the company of the other horses by using the laneway system
  16. All fences are post and rail or sighter wire  with stand off electric fencing
  17. All paddocks have an  external gate for easy access with coded locks
  18. BIO SECURITY is a priority, with all horses vaccinated and travel logged .  Maintaining the health and well being of your horse is a PRIORITY
  19. Our private facilities limits cross infection and horses are kept in top condition.
  20. Owners  on site+  Trained staff .   Owners and all staff are police cleared and have current Working With Children clearance.  Constant supervision of horses  provided.
  21. Unfortunately provision cannot be made for fence walkers, or stallions
  22. We will consider wind suckers and stressed horses with ulcers in our Rehabilitation programme if Vacancies exist in our accomodation.  Please contact Joan  for further details
  23. Special packages can be arranged for those living/working in the city, FI/FO workers, instruction, vet, farrier, chiropractor.
Options available include:
  • a full private package (private WI/WO stable with large  enclosure, luxury sized  private paddock
  •  private tack room adjoining stable,cement floor , window and lockable roller door
  • 2 hard feeds + 2 large haynets ( slow feed)
  • Supplements fed (owner provides)
  • Rugging as required
  • Use of all facilities
2. FULL BOARD/PRIVATE- FULL- brand new stable 1 ONLY
  • private WI/WO stable, large enclosure + luxury sized private paddock.  Shared tack  room
  • 2 hard feed + unlimited access to hay
  • Supplements fed (owner suppies)
  • Rugging as required
  • Use of all facilities
3. PART BOARD/PRIVATE  tailored to your requirements -         4. PRIVATE/FB or PB Paddock with Tree shelter-  1 PLACES  NEW OPTION 4. SHARED PADDOCK /Part or Full Board  FULL( EXCELLENT TREE SHELTER
  • 2 -5 acre paddock with double fencing .  Internal fence stand off elctric + Sita (3 strands)
  • Shelter
  • well grassed with quality clover; auto water
  • Individual feed/night yards
  • hay on demand + hard feeds as negotiated
  • can include rugging +fly veils on/off, spraying
  • checked 2  X daily
  • paddock under constant supervision
  • access to all facilities
5. RETIREMENT- 2  PLACES AVAIABLE 6. SPELLING  - FULL Please email  [email protected] for forms OR viewing by appointment Phone Joan  0415368566 for further information

Contact Seller

    Joan Chapman
  • Member Since:
    3rd June, 2014

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