WANTED – Quiet Pleasure Horse

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Hey guys,

I'm on the hunt for a quiet all rounder for my 60+ year old mother.

She is interested in dressage but ultimately just wants a safe, reliable mount to go hacking with, take to lessons and just have fun on.

She is capable but not hugely confident on a hot horse so I'm after something with no buck, bolt or rear. More woah than go is great, but it doesn't have to be totally dead to the rider if you know what I mean! Just not nervous, hot or super spooky.

We are experienced horse owners who already own a horse so our new family member would have a friend :)

Any colour, breed or gender.

Around 15-15.3hh

Aged 8 or older preferred, nothing too green.

Send us a message on Cavaletti or email my mother at [email protected]

Thank you in advance!

Liz and her mother Chris

Contact Seller

    Liz Glass
  • Member Since:
    28th February, 2012

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