various items



This is stock that was left over from an equestrian store and is new.

Mane tamer              $10

Flyveils by Design 2 foal, 2 pony and 7 mini all $5 each

various spurs. $15 each

grazing muzzle pony  $20

easy gullet wide [red]    $15

Aintree full size reins brown  $20

GRooming chalk 1 x chestnet, 2 x brown, 1 x black  $5 each

Sliding Weymouth bit 5 1/2" x 2, 4 1/2" x 1      $20 each

hollow snaffle 5"    $15

Brass Metropolitan show   5"   $15

Snaffles 4 1/2'   x 2,  4" x 1 $15 each

Jointed pelham pony x 2 x $15 each

Sloted Kimblewick pony 4 1/2" $15

Rugby Pelham 3 1/2" $15

Boucher bit  3 1/2"  $15

String girth 2 buckle 120cm  $15

Stock Girths corded 26", 32" 34"  $20 each

Contact Seller

    Linda Utz
  • Member Since:
    9th October, 2017

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