Davleigh Xtravagantz

Reg Welsh B 12hh Gelding



Gorgeous child's pony

8 years old, reg WPCS, 12hh (OM)

Very easy to handle by children.

Lovely conformation and movement. Would excel in the competitive showring.

Cruize responds well to your voice and will walk, trot, canter and halt on command in the lunge ring.

He stands perfectly still when a child mounts/dismounts and will hard tie all day with absolutely no problems.  Under saddle, Cruize is quite happy to go slow with small children but needs his rider to be firm with commands. He can be ridden by children around the arena or pop over jumps and will not speed up or get hot when jumping. 

Walks straight onto the float, great for the farrier and dentist etc.

Has done 3 years of pony club and showing with no fuss. 

Suited perfectly for showing or ponyclub for leadline or as a second pony for a more competitive child.

Sad sale.

I will consider a lease before purchase. Please phone to discuss.

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