Impeccably Bred with the BEST in the WORLD Dam line with AUTUMN BOON and STYLISH PLAY LENA as her Gandams!! SMOOTH AS A CAT and ROYAL FLETCH as her Grandsires and HIGH BROW CAT and ROYAL BLUE BOON as her Great GrandParents!
** 2014 NCHA Fortworth Texas Futurity and Sale results - 2nd in Futurity Finals out of STYLISH PLAY LENA - 7th in Furturity Finals out of AUTUMN BOON!! (over 600 competitors!) Sale results out of STYLISH PLAY LENA $210,000 - out of AUTUMN BOON $210,000!!! As Yearlings! These are the most sort after bloodlines in the world today!
Sheza Smooth Stylish Cat is definitely for the Serious Competitor or Breeder! She is well handled with an easy trainable nature. Broken in and started cutting training for the 2017 NCHA Futurity. Her Full sister is with Jason Leitch and her full brother is with Gary LeBrocq both showing heaps of potential so there is no doubt that this filly will also be a natural.
Why import when you have bloodline like these right here in Australia at affordable prices!
Please email or call me for more information on this magnificent filly!
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