
Only for sale due to rider unable to work or ride for 12+ months



Toby is a 9yo WB x QH, approx 16.1hh. He has established and consistent flatwork and lovely scope over a jump, with powerful hindquarters. He has done a few events this year with a new rider, showjumping up to 95cm. She has also taken him out to a couple of Stuart Tinney clinics.

Toby is competing SJ at 95cm and training up to 105 at home, and training XC primarily 95 with some 105. This amazing man is a very sweet and quiet horse - suitable for a PC, AR or competition home. He has demonstrated a keen ability and drive in everything he has done.

Toby is easy to catch, trim, float and worm. No known vices. He is a good doer, just on paddock 'feed' whilst in light work. Vet checks welcome. Toby does have a bowed tendon (old injury), however this has never caused issues in the 2 years of ownership or the year prior when I was riding him.

Please no time wasters just because he is 'nice' and 'pretty', this is a heartbreaking sale. All of my horses are on the market due to the length of time I am out of action.

Contact Seller

    Crystal Greenwood
  • Member Since:
    4th March, 2011

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