Rascal has showjumped and won all over Australia. He has 74 official jumping points. Rascal has well established flatwork, laterals/flying changes. He was competing 105-115cm placing in most classes before being turned out to the paddock due to young horses taking priority mid this year.
Rascal is great to do everything with, no spook, buck or rear. Although he is snaffle mouthed he loves a jump off and needs a quiet rider.
Rascal is very sound, hops off a float after long trips from Carnamah with a spring his step. This horse still has a lot to give and loves to jump. He would be suited to a competent junior/teen/ wanting to move into the main arena.
I am neg to what I think is the perfect home as he is going to waste.
Will bring to Perth for serious buyers 0400305037
**Before he went on spell**
WASJA 9th June
105cm – 3rd
110-115cm – 5th
Swan River 26th/27th May
1m – 4th
110cm – 5th
115cm – 2nd
105cm – 4th
Perth Show jumping 13th May
105cm – 1st
Southside SJ 28th April
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