
Easy, Easy 15.2hh Stockhorse/TB/Quarterhorse X Allrounder



Toodyay is the easiest horse to ride, supple, relaxed, obedient and works in a correct outline. He is also super comfortable, he has a beautiful, rocking horse canter and a trot you could sit to all day. He has competed up to Elementary dressage, four years ago. He likes to jump low level but doesn’t get the opportunity with me. He is easy to handle and quite a character. Toodyay does occasionally shy, possibly when on lush green feed, although he hasn’t put a foot wrong since he’s been back in work the last 3 weeks. He also is slightly lame on occasions but is still good for light work or companion riding. He is a fun horse to have around, loves attention and is great at giving first time riders, of any age, rides (my therapy horse). He is a good doer and has never foundered. He has no vices (other than the odd shy), doesn’t bolt, buck, bite, rear, pigroot, windsuck, paddle etc. Just an easy to have around horse, gets along with everyone. Unfortunately, I have too many horses. Only a knowledgeable and dedicated home please.

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    Angela Shepherd
  • Member Since:
    1st January, 2000

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