Do you possess enthusiasm, coaching experience, dedication to motivate riders to reach their potential, and a willingnes to work in a team to build a vibrant, fun and supportive club? Then Wanneroo Horse & Pony Club (WHPC) wants to hear from you.
WHPC is seeking a Chief Coach for 2018 who has a passion for developing young riders and upholding the mission of Pony club. Responsibilites include: coaching, managing and overseeing coaches, preparing riders and teams for State PCWA Events and working with a dedicated committee. A full description of the responsiblities of the Chief Coach can be found in the Club Governance section of the PCWA Handbook available on the PCWA website.
An application letter and resume outling relevant experience should be forward to the Ridiing Coordinator, Maria Agnew at
[email protected] by November 10, 2017. Questions may also be directed to the Riding Coordinator at this email addressc
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