Total ads: 6 Ads Posted
Registered Appaloosa Gelding AAA BR62739
Hive is a 4 yr old registered Appaloosa Gelding that has been handled by the Students at the Ca
- Disciplines: All Rounder
Breed: AppaloosaHeight: 15.2hhAge: 4Sex: Gelding
- Location: Bindoon, WA $3,500
- Ad Date: 13 April 2018
Registered Paintbred Gelding PHAA 14600
**Update: Over the holidays Bow has began his journey to being a ridden horse. Been lunged with
- Disciplines: All Rounder
Breed: PaintHeight: 15.2hhAge: 3Sex: Gelding
- Location: Bindoon, WA $3,500
- Ad Date: 12 April 2018
Hilton is a 2 year old registered Paint Gelding that was bred and born at the Edmund Equine Centre a
- Disciplines: All Rounder
Breed: PaintHeight: 16hhAge: 2Sex: Gelding
- Location: Bindoon, WA $6,000
- Ad Date: 12 April 2018
Solid Paint Mare
Bubbles is a 6 year old solid paint mare (registration pending) who has been handled extensively by
- Disciplines: All Rounder
Breed: PaintHeight: 15.2hhAge: 4Sex: Mare
- Location: Bindoon, WA $4,000
- Ad Date: 5 April 2018
Solid Paint Mare ready to start !
Montana is a 4 yr old solid Paint mare (registration pending) that was born and raised at the Edmind
- Disciplines: All Rounder
Breed: PaintHeight: 15hhAge: 4Sex: Mare
- Location: Bindoon, WA $3,000
- Ad Date: 3 June 2017
Zena is a 5 yr old Chestnut Tobiano Paint Mare who was bred at the Catholic Agricultural College in
- Disciplines: Breeding, All Rounder
Breed: PaintHeight: 15.2hhAge: 5Sex: Mare
- Location: Bindoon, WA $4,000
- Ad Date: 3 June 2017