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About Us

Australia's Original Online Marketplace
Join over 20,000 members who are connecting online to buy and sell anything equestrian.
At Cavalletti, we understand that selling horses is nothing like selling cars, so we’ve developed a website to make finding the right home for your special partner a whole lot easier.
We also know that you can’t just dip a toe into the horse lifestyle – it’s all or nothing – so we’ve created a space where you can plan your weekend events, discover the newest equestrian products and book local equine services.
Known fondly around WA as Cavalletti Classifieds, we’ve been matching extraordinary horses with people like you for 20 years now. You can read our Success Stories and even share your own. Knowing that we support riders and horse professionals to keep doing what they love spurs us to keep innovating our digital platform.
At Cavalletti, we understand that selling horses is nothing like selling cars, so we’ve developed a website to make finding the right home for your special partner a whole lot easier.
We also know that you can’t just dip a toe into the horse lifestyle – it’s all or nothing – so we’ve created a space where you can plan your weekend events, discover the newest equestrian products and book local equine services.
Known fondly around WA as Cavalletti Classifieds, we’ve been matching extraordinary horses with people like you for 20 years now. You can read our Success Stories and even share your own. Knowing that we support riders and horse professionals to keep doing what they love spurs us to keep innovating our digital platform.
The Cavalletti Family

Cavalletti is headed up by Kate Majors-Borg, an entrepreneur and former professional showjumper. Like many equestrian mums, Kate balances work with family and a horse property – running Cavalletti is definitely a family affair!
Kate took the reins from Cavalletti’s founder, Lou Hardwick, in 2017 and along with rebranding the website has spent a great deal of time out in the horse industry filming for Cavalletti Clips and hosting livestreams of local equestrian events.
Kate took the reins from Cavalletti’s founder, Lou Hardwick, in 2017 and along with rebranding the website has spent a great deal of time out in the horse industry filming for Cavalletti Clips and hosting livestreams of local equestrian events.
At a Glance
Founded - February 1998
Headquarters - Darlington WA
APAC Best Equestrian Classified Services 2018
APAC Best Equestrian Classified Services 2017
Gold Australian Customer Service Award 2014
Gold Australian Customer Service Award 2014
Web Statistics
500,000 Page view a month
51,000 Users a month
7.5 Pages per session
** these figures are on average over the last 6 months.
Cavalletti Statistics
Horses Sold Since Commencement - 30,000
Businesses Promoted - 3,000