Western Prince

Imported Haflinger Stallion



Western Prince was imported in vivo in the imported Tyrolean mare Hesta. He is bred from a long line of top Tyrolean Haflinger stallions and mares and is highly suited for breeding, riding and driving. Western Prince has been professionally trained to saddle, but is still relatively green. He has the typical Haflinger ‘people friendly’ temperament and has been shown in hand at some local shows including several Royal Perth Agricultural shows. Tyrolean bred means he is among the best bred Haflingers in the world. His half sister Alina-Assi also by Wüstenprinz fetched the highest auction price of 30,000 Euros at the filly auction in Ebbs Tyrol 4 years ago. Teno Haflinger Stud prides itself on breeding top quality Haflingers with semen from only European bred stallions.

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    Portland Jones
  • Member Since:
    1st January, 2000

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