2 X Ecogold Dressage Pads



2 X Ecogold black dressage saddle pads.

Excellent condition. Non slip and comfortable for your horse.

RRP $195 each. Selling $65 ONO each for quick sale.


More information on Ecogold:https://ecogold.ca/produc…/saddle-pads/dressage-saddle-pads/

What sets ECOGOLD apart from other companies is that we never ask ourselves “how can we make our products cheaper”, our goal is always to make them better.

As textile engineering experts, we have access to the latest developments in textiles and are constantly reviewing samples sent to us by manufacturers. If after testing a material, we believe it’s going to improve the product, we use it. As simple as that.

Before any new product is put on the market, it is tested, first in the ECOGOLD lab and then in the field by top professional riders and given two thumbs up by their grooms.

Our goal is to make your horse happy, safe and comfortable. There is enough that can go wrong in the show ring, you can feel secure that your ECOGOLD saddle pad, half pad and horse boots will give your horse the best protection

Contact Seller

    Eileen Srna
  • Member Since:
    23rd August, 2010

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